Saturday, 27 October 2012

Sedang Mencari Pengedar :) (Looking for Distributor)

Hai pengunjung blog kami Sulur Bayangan Collection,

Thanks for your support and time to visit our blog. We are expanding and in the middle of increasing our production and products for sales. So, we are looking for people who interested to be our distributor. If you are interested, please email us your details, and we are glad to invite you to our new boutique when it's ready. :)

See you then.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Customized Design - Pop Art

Batik Men Shirt customized design, requested by one of our client. Latest colour, trend for you out there :D

email us for your own customize design request :

thanks :)

Monday, 15 October 2012

Rezeki Allah s.w.t..alhamdulillah

I'm happy day by day, after the launching of the blog, the order for batik is increasing. Pray to Allah s.w.t for the rezeki, bless and talent. The most important thing right now is to accomplish the order for my customer. I hope they will be satisfied with my products. Amin

Dear MY CUSTOMERS, thank you so much for your support :)..

Hanafi :-D

Friday, 12 October 2012

More and more design to come :)

Blue and pastel pink for feminine taste. It's suitable for formal, cocktail occasion. Turn this 2 meter into pareo and match with black blouse, accessories, high heel and stylish handbag . You will stand up from the rest. :)

Design abstract utk keceriaan :)

Colourful with abstract design to give you model's look at the runway show. :) It's beautiful right? It's 2 meter batik for womens out there :D

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Monday, 8 October 2012

Imej Persembahan Wayang Kulit

Painting batik dengan imej persembahan wayang kulit. Sesuai untuk dijadikan hiasan dinding. Menggunakan fabrik crepe 2 meter (CDC). Boleh menerima tempahan mengikut design pelanggan. Sebarang pertanyaan sila email ke dan berikan details anda atau hubungi 017-7174912 - Hanafi.
Sekian, terima kasih.

Note : One piece SOLD to US Buyer for Christmas gift. :D....batik Malaysia in US during Christmas Celebration? How nice right?

Painting of Men's Face

Painting using batik technique for Men's face in a fabric. Suitable for VVIP gifts, office decoration etc. Customize design is welcome for full satisfaction. Contact us at

Thanks :)

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Pareo (2 meters) for ladies wear

Batik Pareo (silk/crepe) for ladies out there. Brighten up your day with stylish design of batik. Kindly email to for enquiry or orders. We accept customise design from you. You also can turn this 2 meters into shawls or wall hanging deco.
Thanks in advance.

Batik 2 meters for VVIP :)


Updating my blog after a month plus :). Sharing with you my batik design for VVIP's order. Alhamdulillah, rezeki sentiasa ada. If you interested, kindly drop email to and provide me with your details.
Thanks in advance.
