Monday, 21 March 2016

Brunei Darussalam - Our next collaboration 2016

Hie guys,

Brunei will be our new target market for our batik collection. From long shawls to blouse and kids item, you may want to grab it for rare and exclusive collection. Just stay tune. :-)

With LOVE,

Sulur Bayangan Collection

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

our Premium Long Shawl is the HOTTEST!!

Hie guys,

Love to share our precious moment with our customer/client. They achieved their dreams of launching premium batik collection with us as a supporter behind them. The feel is so great as we help young entrepreneur to do what they wanted to do. Our hot selling long shawl is everywhere. Thanks Allah for giving us the bless and rezeki all the time.

Monday, 14 March 2016


Hie guys,

Kami dengan bangganya membuka ruang untuk tempahan raya 2016 ni. haha...

Batik utk :

1. Kurung moden
2. Jubah
3. Long Shawl
4. Blouse
5. Skirt
6. Baju kanak-kanak
7. Baju sedondon (ibu & anak, suami isteri)
8. Skaf

Dan lain-lain lagi. Jom tempah batik raya :)

Wassap 014-936 7831. Kami buat anda relaxxx je tunggu kain sampai :)

See you soon !!

SBC with love