Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Latest Product for our client

Dear guys,
Right now, we have huge and continuous order from our clients and the list are :

1. Batik in meters (4 meters, 2 meters, 1 meters) for dress, blouse and scarf making by the client
2. Handkerchiefs
3. Curtains (some design they want exactly as design won during Piala Seri Endon, Monaco Blue)
4. Batik Painting (face and story telling)
5. Uniforms
6. Custome made orders (design provided by our client, we proceed for batik in meters)
7. Soft Furnishing orders (bedsheet, curtain, pillow case, table runner and etc.)

We are so happy with Sulur Bayangan improvement from last year and this year. Please do not hesitate to place your order with us. Email us at sulurbayangan@gmail.com or contact 017-7174912 or 012-2720295. We do accept whatssapp.

Thank you :)

SBC Owner

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